Upcoming Concerts

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Projects from the Past

Hear My Prayer (January 2024)

Studio Annette, Tel Aviv | Beit Hagefen, Haifa | The Hebrew Catholic Church, Jerusalem

A concert full of prayer and praise in different languages ​​from the Judeo-Christian liturgy. During times of war and loss, we believe that music, especially the pure vocal music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, can help us reconnect with ourselves, and find comfort and peace. We intend the hymns to serve their original function as a means to open our hearts and establish a dialogue with God, in faith and in hope for life and peace, as in have from antiquity.

“May He who makes peace in His high places grant peace, in His mercy, upon us and all Israel and say Amen.” (Kaddish)

"קסם המדריגל" בתל אביב, אוקטבר 2023, הקונסורט הקולי הירושלמי

The Madrigal’s Enchantment (October 2023)

Rabin Center, Abu-gosh Festival, Tel Aviv | Church of Saint John the Baptist, Ein Karem | Mevakshei Derech Community, Jerusalem

Join us for an enchanting musical journey back in time to the roots of sensual Italian singing, via Belgium and France, with legendary composers such as Guillaume Dufay, Josquin des Prez and Orlando di Lasso. These marvelous musicians, known for their groundbreaking contributions to the genre, will be celebrated in our intimate chamber concert. This exclusive concert offers a rare opportunity to hear their compositions. Discover the genius of Guillaume Dufay, the expressive power of Josquin des Prez, and the master of polyphony, Orlando di Lasso.

Renaissance Friday (June 2023)

DOJO Studio, Jerusalem

A concert with a summer vibe to mark the Consort’s first year of activity! We will sing beautiful music with a taste of the past written by Byrd, Lassus, Morley and others, and mix music with wine, friends and languages.

"שישי רנסנס", ינואר 2023, הקונסורט הקולי הירושלמי
את אהבה נפשי | הקונסורט הקולי הירושלמי

Whom My Soul Loveth (March 2023)

Ya’ar Ramot Community , Jerusalem | Studio Annette, Tel Aviv | Merkaz Hadarim, Haifa

An acapella program dedicated to secular and heavenly love songs from the 16th and 17th centuries. We will perform pearls from the Italian tradition of Monteverdi, and pass through Morelli and Dowland’s madrigals to Melchior Frank’s unique composition of the text of the “Song of Songs”.

Listen to our rendition of “Hohelied Motetten” by Melchior Frank, recorded at the Jerusalem Music Center (Mishkenot Sha’ananim).

Master classes in 2022

In its first year of activity, the ensemble participated in master classes with Tristan Meister, conductor of the Limburg Vocapella Ensemble (Belgium), with soprano Yeela Avital (Israel), and with composer Dr. Eilam Rotem, founder of the ensemble Profeti della Quinta (Switzerland, Israel).

the Psalms project by the Jerusalem Vocal Consort

Psalms (October 2022)

Beit Ot Hamutzar, Jerusalem | Rabin Center, Abu Ghosh Vocal Music Festival, Tel Aviv 

Give a song and sing a drum! Debut concert for the Jerusalem Vocal Consort! We invite you to a concert full of Baroque and Renaissance psalms, in an assortment of genres and languages. We will perform vocal compositions by Purcell, Palestrina, Rossi, Shane, Allegri and others.

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